Course Portal

Course Portal

Free Digital Literacy Course for Employability Skills

for eligible refugees and migrants who arrived in Australia in the last 5 years. 

Think you could be eligible? 

I'm Inspired

inspire me® Job Readiness Course Units

Mouse & Keyboard Skills

Create Word Documents & Resumé

Job Search

Email & Internet

Employment Workshops

Explore Career Pathways

Some Benefits of Accessing a Smart Tutoring Program


Files, tutorials, video guides -
All in one place

Learners are given the right to learn at their own pace and revisit past lessons.

Track your progress as you enrol

You can store online lessons via online cloud or download to your device and revise lessons on the way.

Multimedia Channels

We provide study materials with various formats: video, audio, slides, doc, prints, and applications.

Get started easily

Get Employment Ready

Dive into courses which teach you how to use the latest computer technologies needed in the workplace. 

How inspire me® Has Helped Others Get Employed

I got a Job!

'inspire me' helped build my confidence, learn computer skills & understand about working in Australia. Thanks so, so much.

So valuable.

My friend from English Class recommended this course to me. I learnt a lot especially about training opportunities in Australia. My goal now is to become a Carer and then a Nurse in the future. Now I know how to use the computer I am confident to go onto further education. I cannot thank you enough.

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